Thursday, December 26, 2019

A side project in paper mache - Cat!

     Of the vessels (or vases, if one wants to use that term instead), which I started making and posted images here on December 17, there are now nine total. Six have nine coats of paper mache applied and three have four coats of paper mache. Layering on all those similar objects was a bit tedious so Christmas day was a nice break away.
     Today back to the studio and I decided to work on a funky paper mache cat that I had done as a demo for an art class in Heart Butte. Here it is at the stage it is now in. The photos seem to show it in a different hue tone but that was just how the lighting was striking the surface relative to where I stood with the camera. I like the warmer hue (sort of a yellowy or old newspaper hue.)
     I might just finish the mottled application of newsprint paper mache on the few remaining areas that need it and call it done as I rather like how it's looking. I think I'll title it "Daily Mews."

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